Friday, March 4, 2011


A few days ago,a friend of mine was hurt by a senior-scratch that. Dont call HIM that. No man that hurts the opposite gender physically should have to be respected. So I'll just call him 'DAYUS'. Well, she was just minding her own business and he came up to her and said this

Dayus: ''Eh, ko nie anak haram ar!"
Ath*    : "...."

So, he called her a bastard. The thing is,if he has something against her why take her parents into it? As far as I know her parents was well married and already had a boy when her mum was pregnant with her. So, either Dayus is confused or is just f'king stupid.

So Ath met up with her friends and ran into him.So she picked up the nerve to say this to Dayus.

Ath: Wei, nko la anak haram kate kat orang anak haram
Dayus: Suke hati aku la aku nak cakap ape!

Ath is known for a lil' bit of a temper. Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorned. So a barrage of swear words later the Big, Fat Dayus did the most gentlemanly thing any guy could do. He threw a rugby ball straight to Ath's face and a football boot(spike shoes) that hit her hand. Because of that her hands bled a little.Fyi, Dayus is already despised and hated by most people in my school cuz he thinks he can do whatever he wants just because his dad is like f'king filthy rich! So that night we were all outraged. A scene in that night Islamic lecture.

Uztazah: Munafik tu ape?
Me: Dayus!

Hahahaha! Well he is still well hated among us. That shows him not to mess with us. With that all my pent up anger is gone. I'll end this post with a lighter note. Never mess with girls. especially teens. So, sayonara!!

 *name changed

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